For years I have assumed that the beautiful photos of galaxies, stars and exploding planets were artistic renderings, not what was photographed by the Hubble or other telescopes. Wired magazine published this report that confirms my belief:
Wired (5/12, Mann) also profiled the work of "visualization scientist Robert Hurt of Caltech" and Tim Pyle, who takes discoveries from instruments like the Kepler telescopes and creates "exoplanet renderings" for NASA. The article noted that while the data from Kepler can’t indicate what any exoplanet is like in reality, the team makes a "reasonable" likeness based on how far a planet is from its parent star and how "Earth-like" it is thought to be. When it came to the recent discovery of Kepler-186f, NASA public affairs officer Michele Johnson said, "We know we’re going to have people running by a newspaper stand, and seeing a headline that reads ‘NASA finds another Earth’ with this graphic next to it. ... So we wanted to be very smart about the little we do know, saying this is our best interpretation, with a healthy amount of imagination as well."
This is a continuation of the process where artists take a skull and create what the person looked like in real life. They have no idea but make it look like a "prehistoric" person. I have a couple of friends who should sue museums that show "neolithic" people who look just like them.
I often wonder just how much astronomers know about the far away bodies that show up in their telescopes as a dot of light that is recorded on a film. From that dot they create a story about what the body ought to be, not what it is. It is interesting that all of the planets in our solar system can not support life, but it is assumed that some time in their millions of years of history that they had water and if they had water, life must have originated although there is no evidence that complex life on earth came from natural causes. It is much too complicated and contains massive information in every cell that controls life.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Sunday, May 4, 2014
I have blown my resolution to publish at least weekly in this blog. I told about my round with my GIST cancer that is now behind me. I spent the last month concentrating on preparing my paper for the Texas Folklore Society. My first paper for that organization and I was the first presenter on this year's program. Here is the paper I gave entitled Evolution Folklore:
Granbury , TX
Charles A. Rodenberger
After 40 years of attending the Folklore
Society meetings this is my first paper to present. And the worst possible
thing happened. I am in the same session as James Ward Lee, the best paper
presenter in the Society. Fortunately I don’t have to follow him, which would
have been worse. I will never forget his paper on eating pie.
For more than sixty years I have been
involved with the discussion of whether life evolved or was created by an
intelligent designer. Like most everyone I grew up with the belief that mankind
evolved from some mud puddle being struck by lightning, creating a living cell
that continued to mutate into higher forms of life culminating in mankind, by
way of monkeys and apes. According to the TFS explanation of folklore that
would be the “traditional knowledge of a culture”. It goes on to say “although
it can be closely related to history at times, folklore concerns the thing
about a group that are not usually found in historical records.” That is an
accurate statement of our belief in evolution.
In the summer of 1957 I was working for
General Dynamics when my former boss in the Air Force, Major Mark Kite, came to
live with us until he could move his family to Fort Worth. We had both been
separated from the Air Force in 1953 at Reese AFB in Lubbock. He returned to
college to obtain a degree in Civil Engineering at SW Louisiana. He gave me a
book written by his department head that took about two hours to read. THE BIBLE AND MODERN SCIENCE by Dr.
Henry M. Morris attacked the theory of evolution and offered a number of
scientific arguments for creation and a young earth. I scoffed and said he must
be a little nuts because everyone believed in evolution.
Mark explained that Dr. Morris held a PhD
degree from Rice University with an expertise in hydrology (the study of water
movement that led to his book The Genesis
Flood). I thought to myself “Why
don’t I look into this further? I am educated in the physical sciences with an
engineering degree, several years of practice, and currently taking graduate
courses in nuclear engineering.” But I was unfamiliar with the life
sciences. So I went to the Fort Worth Public Library to look at journals in
biology, anthropology and archeology.
I was shocked at the bitter language in the
journals used by the scientists attacking each other. We don’t do that in
engineering papers. We disagree but in a gentlemanly fashion. They were responding
to the announcement in 1953 that the Piltdown Man was a fraud. In the gravel
pit near the town of Piltdown in England an old stained human skull was found
in 1908. The big braincase belonged to a modern human being. It had been
stained to make it appear old. The jawbone came from an orangutan or
chimpanzee. Several suspects are still being investigated for the forgery. One
is Sir Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, who played golf at Piltdown and
didn’t believe in evolution.
The Piltdown Man was an excellent
example of evolution folklore. A scientist,
or an amateur, will find a bone, a skull or a chipped stone and immediately
craft a story about what it is and how it got there. The Piltdown Man was the
English answer to the discoveries of Neanderthals and cave men in Germany and
France. They needed a discovery to compete with those in Europe.
Once you have a
bone, you have a story. The fossil entered more folklore when it was introduced
as evidence by Clarence Darrow in defense of John Scopes during the 1925 Scopes
Monkey Trial. Darrow died in 1938, fifteen years before Piltdown Man was
exposed as a fraud.
Before being exposed over 500 doctoral
dissertations were produced about the evolution of the skull. One of the few
scholars who questioned it at the time was the Oxford scholar Earnest Tolbert
(Bull) Adams from Glen Rose, TX. who completed his course work at Oxford in
1914. He was an amateur archeologist who excavated many sites in Texas and New
Mexico. Upon seeing the famous fossil
first-hand he wrote home to his fiancée, Mable, that it was a fake.
Glen Rose is one
of the most famous locations of dinosaurs in Texas. Home of the Dinosaur Valley
State Park with the famous tracks of dinosaurs in the Paluxy River it also is
home to the Creation Evidence Museum where evolution is questioned using the
same evidence of tracks and fossils that are used to argue for evolution.
How can the same
evidence be used for both sides? How can we have stories of an earth that is
4.5 billion years old with another saying that the earth and the stars are only
6000 years old? It is all based on the assumptions that are used.
Having taken 12
hours of graduate courses in nuclear engineering, I said that there was no
problem in solving this conundrum scientifically. All I had to do was look at
the brand new carbon dating technology. I researched the literature that had
just been published and immediately ran into a problem. Carbon-14 dating made
some assumptions; one, that the amount of carbon 14 molecules have been
constant in the atmosphere for 100,000 years. Whoa, that didn’t agree with the
creation assumption that the atmosphere was only 6,000 years old. I reasoned
that if the young earth was true then the C-14 dates would be fairly accurate
for the last couple of thousand years but would have an anomaly for older
dates. When I looked at the dating that had been done at that time, I saw
evidence of such a discontinuity. So I am back at square one. Other radioactive
dating techniques also assume that the radioactive minerals were originally
formed with no daughter atoms, which is questionable to me.
Creation science
is based on history as recorded in the Bible. A literal reading establishes
that the earth and heavens were created about 6000 years ago in six normal days
with God resting on the seventh. Evolution folklore assumes that God had nothing
to do with the present cosmos and in the early 1900’s postulated that it came
into existence from a natural occurrence of a Big-Bang where energy was
released into space in an instantaneous explosion. I will discuss that later.
Science requires
that others repeat the experiment to confirm a fact. We can’t reproduce a one
time creation experiment. We can only look at current evidence and guess what
happened in the past.
The Dinosaur
Valley State Park in Glen Rose publishes the following folklore:
And on a day, perhaps about 113 million years ago,” one
day not lost in the past,” wrote Louis Jacobs in Lone Star Dinosaurs, the ancient creatures walked across the
coastal flats. Their feet left perfect footprint impressions. Millions of years
later that “day” (or probably series of days) would live again when flooding
river waters would scour away the various rock layers down to that particular
stratum of Cretaceous rock, known as Glen Rose Limestone.
Does anyone but me wonder about how high the
mountain would have to be to have the flooding water scour it down for millions
of years?
Down the road in Glen Rose, the Creation Evidence Museum looks at the same
tracks and comes up with their folklore that they found tracks of men along
with the dinosaur tracks, proving their contention that men and dinosaurs lived
at the same time a few thousand years ago and that the Noachian Flood produced
the dinosaur fossils and covered the tracks.
When you enter the Fort Worth Museum of Science and Technology you are
bombarded with dinosaurs and the millions of years scenario. From their web
- Paluxysaurus jonesi lived
around 112 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period based on fossils
discovered at the Jones Ranch in Hood County near Glen Rose, Texas.
The dinosaur was originally identified as the Pleurocelus.
However, in 2006, based on years of research, the massive sauropod was
re-identified by then Southern Methodist University Geology Master’s
student Peter Rose, as belonging to a different species and was named Paluxysaurus
Why he
didn’t name it Rosei I don’t know.
The Museum assumes that dinosaurs were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates
for a period of 160 million years and that they disappeared comparatively
abruptly about 65 million years ago. If that is true, how do you explain that recent
discoveries have found dinosaur fossils with liquid blood and soft tissue in
the bones. I don’t think millions of years fits that possibility.
Another part of the Museum is dedicated to the petroleum industry and
particularly the Barnett Shale in Tarrant and surrounding counties. Because I
started my career as a petroleum engineer I was attracted to the exhibit. Their
theater, called Energy Blast is a 6-minute movie experience that tells the
story with beautiful computer graphics and loud music of a Big Bang showing the
atoms forming into swirls and creating galaxies, stars and planets with earth
forming and prehistoric life miraculously appearing. The Barnett Shale is
formed millions of years ago at the bottom of the ocean. I was offended because
oil and gas can’t survive millions of years due to bacteria activity. Also oil,
gas, diamonds and coal all have some carbon 14 using the latest laboratory testing
making them at most a few thousand years old.
get the official evolution folklore you have to go to the National Center for
Science Education, the only national organization devoted to defending the
teaching of evolution in public schools. Their official statement includes: In the biological sciences, evolution is a
scientific theory that explains the emergence of new varieties of living things
in the past and in the present; it is not a "theory of origins" about
how life began. This mission is vital because of evolution's central importance
to the conceptual foundations of the modern biomedical, life, and earth
I was interested in their statement that
evolution is not a “theory of origins”. So I had to look at these theories. I
found this statement: “Scientists know life on Earth began more than 3.8
billion years ago, but exactly how it began has long been an unanswered
question”. The folklore talks about spontaneous generation of life from a
“soup” that contained water and minerals that were energized by lightning to
create organic molecules that then evolved into more complex molecules. The
problem with that is that current research on living cells finds that the cells
are controlled by RNA and DNA that programs their activities and reproduction
with enough information to fill an encyclopedia. How this came into reality is
the unanswered question.
In How Stuff Works Marshall Brain explains How Evolution Works with
question #3 being Where Did the First Living Cell Come From? His answer was that
the first living cells were too complicated to exist.
He concludes with a statement that I agree with: Speaking in general terms,
life can only have come from one of two possible places:
- Spontaneous creation
- Random chemical processes created the first living cell.
- Supernatural creation
- God or some other supernatural power created the first living cell.
Because of the impossibility of spontaneous evolution their folklore has
been upgraded to argue that life came to earth from outer space. This idea
originated with Fred Hoyle who stated “The chance that higher life forms might
have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping
through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein”. He
then postulated the idea that life forms were delivered to earth from aliens in
outer space and that is the story that you see on the History Channel on TV. Now
then where did the aliens get the life forms? This leads to more folklore.
Let’s look
at the folklore called the BIG BANG THEORY. A Belgian priest named Georges Lemaître first suggested the big bang theory
in the 1920s when he theorized that the universe began the explosion of a
single primordial atom of energy.
I have a problem with this idea because of my understanding of physics that
when you explode a charge the material will move away from the point. In an
infinite vacuum it would continue to move away forever. There are no natural
forces to cause the particles to come together and bump into each other forming
more complex molecules.
The evolution folklore on biological evolution has all living things
evolving from a single organism with the Tree of Life scenario that has humans
evolving from simian ancestors. You can read this today in the National
Pornographic, I mean Geographic Magazine. Back in the early 1920’s this
thinking led to the following reasoning: the polygenetic theory of human evolution
concluded that orangutans should be crossed with humans of the "yellow
race," gorillas with humans of the "black race," chimpanzees
with the "white race," and gibbons with "the more brachycephalic
peoples of Europe" (he probably meant Jews).
To test this idea, they turned to Ilya Ivanov, an eminent Russian biologist
who achieved considerable success in the field of artificial insemination of race
By the
1920's it was in his head to try humans and monkeys. He obtained Soviet government
funding plus private funding from Germany, England and the US that he used to repeatedly
inseminate Chimpanzees with human sperm before he reversed the process and
tried to impregnate at least one human female. Of course none of the
experiments were successful. Today a computer search has him listed as “the mad
I am sure that there have been similar covert experiments since then and
probably still going on with no results because I am convinced that we are
coded with our DNA to reproduce only with our own kind. Humans can crossbreed
with other humans but not with animals.
Finally it
is interesting to me how this folklore is driving our space program. Our
national goal to put men on Mars is to find life that must have existed on Mars
because we can’t believe that we are the only planet in the universe to have
life. All of our scientific findings of the other planets in our solar system
show there is no life on any other planet. So we search for other “earth-like”
planets in the vast solar system because we just can’t believe the concept that
we are the only created beings. For over 40 years we have had a project SETI,
the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, that has found nothing, but we
can’t believe it because we have been to the movies and know that Captain Kirk
has been there.
My studies
for the past 60 years have convinced me that we are unique, we have been here
6000 years, and the earth has been formed by catastrophic geology after a
world-wide flood destroyed the first inhabitants. I further believe that there
will be a new earth after this one has been destroyed by a massive
electromagnetic storm from the sun. But I bet you will have your own folklore
about that.
C. A. Rodenberger 2014 2732 words
I have a copy of the audio that was recorded at the meeting. If you want that let me know.
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