Saturday, April 28, 2012

As I have told before when I first started looking at creation science I was studying nuclear engineering and believed that nuclear dating would be the perfect way to settle the question of the age of the earth. 6000 years vs. 4.5 billion seemed to be too much difference that couldn't be solved by technology. I got the original journals on C14 dating and suddenly realized that there are assumptions that are basic to the testing. They assumed that the atmosphere and solar radiation had been constant for at least 100,000 years. I told myself that if the Biblical story of a vapor canopy and flood changing the atmosphere drastically would cause C14 dating to have unusual results and the early tests that I could find had anomalies as I expected.

This has led to my developing a paper or book on ASSUME. Here is the intro:
Our life is based on assumptions that we accept on faith and can not prove. Of course you have responded to someone who has stated "let’s assume...." with your response: "No, I can spell and assume makes an ass out of u and me." As much as we don’t want to admit it, we live by our assumptions.

The first basic assumption we hold is that we believe in God or we don’t or we are not sure. But we have all given it some thought. A concept that can not be proven but certainly affects everyone in the world. This is an example of one assumption and I want to look at what we assume in many areas in life such as religion, business, science and thinking.

Let’s start with one assumption example: When Christopher Columbus asked Queen Isabella for funds to support his voyage to find India by sailing West, the Queen said she would have to ask her Council of Bishops of the church who advised her. They recommended against funding the voyage. Why?

1. Columbus would sail off the edge of the earth.

2. Columbus’ ships would be destroyed by huge sea monsters.

3. India was located much further than Columbus was planning for and he couldn’t make it.

If you answered 3 you would be correct. Columbus had contacted the Scandinavian explorers who assured him that there was land where he planned to sail to and he assumed that it was India because he knew India was in that direction. He convinced the Queen that there was land to be explored and she finally agreed to fund the trip. However the stories that have come down into our assumptions have been muddled by those who want to challenge our intelligence.

An example of assumed beliefs is this statement from Wikipedia: The belief that the Earth was flat was typical of ancient cosmologies until about the 4th century BC, when the Ancient Greek philosophers proposed the idea that the Earth was a sphere, or at least rounded in shape. Aristotle was one of the first thinkers to propose a spherical Earth in 330 BC. By the early Middle Ages, it was widespread knowledge throughout Europe that the Earth was a sphere.

I would argue that the Biblical stories much earlier reflect a belief that the world was spherical. The contributors to Wikipedia reflect belief that modern thought came from the early Greek writings rather than the Hebrews.

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